Put simply, Raw Honey is honey as it exists in the hive.
When honey is collected from a hive, it exists as a thick (sometimes not so thick), sticky liquid that has been packed into the waxy hexagonal boxes that make up a honeycomb. Honey is extracted by uncapping sealed wax chambers and squeezing out the honey by hand, or in an extractor, and straining the liquid through a mesh or loosely woven cloth. At this point, the honey is ready to be eaten—though it contains tiny substances like bee pollen, fragments of honeycomb and hive debris, all of which are safe to consume and bring significant health benefits (provided you are not allergic!).
Raw, unpasteurized honey preserves all elements of the honey harvested, including pollen, enzymes and antibodies. It is the essence of the characteristics of the plant, which has synthesized these elements from the soil, water, the air and the sun.
With the exception of children below two years of age and those who are specifically prone to pollen allergy, the honey comes loaded with benefits that largely mitigate common illnesses like the flu and help improve immunity in the long term.
To realize its benefits, incorporating honey into our daily diet is highly recommended.
Honey is for the diet like Yoga is for the body and meditation is for the soul.